Natural Health Hub
Bladder Health
Honeymoon Cystitis
Synonyms: Honeymoon Disease, Honeymoon Syndrome, Honeymoon Infection, Cystitis, Bladder Infection, Urinary Tract Infection Honeymoon Cystitis is the name euphemistically given to the type of Cystitis that starts when a couple first begin an intimate relationship,...
Bladder Health
Living With Interstitial Cystitis.
Interstitial Cystitis, also known as Bladder Pain Syndrome (BPS), Painful Bladder Syndrome (PBS), Overactive Bladder Syndrome (OBS) or hypersensitive bladder syndrome (HBS), is a name that is given, amongst others to describe the frequency, urgency,...
Bladder Health
Kidney Infection
Medical name: pyelonephritis A kidney infection is a type of urinary tract infection usually originating in the bladder or urinary tract and progressing into one or both kidneys. If not promptly treated, a kidney infection...
Bladder Health
Cystitis Symptoms, Causes & Treatment Options
Cystitis Related Conditions Interstitial Cystitis Honeymoon Cystitis Urethritis Prostatitis Kidney Infections Bladder Cancer STI / STD Thrush The "itis" in Cystitis literally means inflammation, and in this case inflammation of the bladder. Cystitis is the...
Bladder Health
How much D-Mannose should you take for UTI?
How much D-Mannose should you take for UTI? With the NHS [ NHS Cystitis ] now mentioning D-Mannose as an alternative way to prevent UTI's from coming back - how much D-Mannose should you take...
Animals & Pets
Dogs are often described as 'mans best friend', but how important are pets for our own health?
Therapeutic Pets As discussed in previous articles it is clear how much benefit animals can bestow on those around them. One of the most moving, in many ways, is the use of them as therapy...
Animals & Pets
Canine diabetes, with 1 in 500 dogs classed as diabetic what can be done?
Canine Diabetes Diabetes is a malfunction of the endocrine system. As in so many disorders, signs and symptoms can initially be vague and non-specific. Weight loss, despite an increased appetite (polyphagia), increased urination (polyuria) and...
Animals & Pets
Feline cystitis, symptoms, causes, prevention and treatment.
Feline Cystitis Symptoms The following symptoms/behaviours can be indicative of your cat having Feline Urologic Syndrome (cystitis): Repeatedly visiting the litter tray Straining to urinate you may hear your cat crying at the litter box...